भा. कृ. अनु. प.- केन्द्रीय शीतोष्ण बागवानी संस्थान

ICAR- Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture


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ü  Dr Arun Kishore, Scientist ( Fruit Science) Received first prize for best oral research paper in the seminar on emerging trends in hi-tech hill horticulture in changing climate, 6-7 March, 2018, organized by ICAR-CITH, RS, Mukteshwar, Nainital, Uttarakhand

ü  Dr D B Singh Received Dr J C Anand Memorial Gold Medalfrom HSI In Post Harvest Technolgy-2017 on 6th November, 2017 at Dr B P Pal Auditorium , IARI, Pusa, New Delhi.

ü  Dr D.B.Singh Director ICAR-CITH, Srinagar act as convener and member secretary for State-wise coordination committee for doubling the farmers’ income by 2022. Two meetings were organized under the Chairmanship of Dr Pradeep K Sharma, Vice Chancellor, SKUAST of Jammu, on May 11, 2017 and October 30, 2017 at Shere- Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Jammu, Chatha.

ü  Dr D.B.Singh Director ICAR-CITH, Srinagar organized Intersession meeting of the Consultative Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare on the subject “Farm Mechanization” at SKICC Srinagaron 3rd July, 2017. Meeting was chaired by Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Hon’ble Union Minister ofAgriculture and Farmers Welfare.

ü  Dr Desh Beer Singh has been appointed as a Director ICAR-Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture, Srinagarduring the year 07.07.2016.

ü  Dr Desh Beer Singh, Director ICAR-Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture, Srinagar and Dr Javid Iqbal Mir(Senior Scientist) ICAR-Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture, Srinagar visited ITALY as a part of Delegationconstituted by Govt of J & K for ascertaining the quality of planting material to be imported for the establishment of high density orchards in the state in the year Dr Javid Iqbal Mir (Senior Scientist),Delivered Lead lecture on “Role of biotechnology in development of hill horticulture” during Regional Seminar on “Emerging trends in hi-tech horticulture in changing climate” organized at ICAR-CITH, Regional Station Mukteshwar from March 6-7, 2018 at Mukteshwar.

ü  Dr Javid Iqbal Mir (Senior Scientist), Chaired the poster evaluation session during International Conference on WRIAST on 25th October, 2018 at University of Kashmir Srinagar.

ü  Dr Javid Iqbal Mir (Senior Scientist), Chaired the session during one day workshop on Assembly and use of foldoscope: on 11th December, 2018 organized by SP College, Srinagar. 

ü  Dr Javid Iqbal Mir (Senior Scientist), delivered Invited lecture on “Role of Biotechnology in Temperate Horticultural Crops” during training programme on “First Hands on Training” organized by Department of Biotechnology, SKUAST-K, Shalimar on 22nd March, 2018.

ü  Dr Javid Iqbal Mir (Senior Scientist), received Best poster award during National Conference on “Climate Change and Agricultural Production” organized by BAU, Bhagalpur and Indian Ecological Society, Ludhiana from 6-8 April, 2017.

ü  Dr Javid Iqbal Mir (Senior Scientist), received outstanding achievement award, 2018 during international conference on worldwide research initiatives for agriculture, science and technology organized by national agriculture development cooperative ltd. in collaboration with SKUAST-K, Shalimar at University of Kashmir on October 24-26, 2018.

ü  Dr Javid Iqbal Mir (Senior Scientist), receivedBest paper award during international conference on worldwide research initiatives for agriculture, science and technology organized by national agriculture development cooperative lmt in collaboration with SKUAST-K, Shalimar at University of Kashmir on October 24-26, 2018.

ü  Dr Javid Iqbal Mir (Senior Scientist),Delivered invited lecture on varietal diversity in apple for doubling farmers income during 10 days training programme at Wadura Sopore, SKUAST-K on 7th September, 2018.

ü  Dr Javid Iqbal Mir (Senior Scientist),Invited speaker during National Conference on Recent advances in understanding the role of phytochemicals in human health at Food Technology Division, University of Kashmir on 25th July, 2018.

ü  Dr Javid Iqbal Mir (Senior Scientist),Received best poster award during National Seminar on Saffron Production and Promotion at SKUAST-K on August, 8, 2017.

ü  Dr Javid Iqbal Mir (Senior Scientist),Received Best Researcher Award 2017, during National Seminar on Saffron Production and Promotion at SKUAST-K on August, 7, 2017

ü  Dr K.L.Kumawat (Scientist) act as a  Co-Chairman in the international conference on Emerging trends in Agricultural, Environment and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development (EIAEASSD-2018) during Nov 27-29, 2018 held at Sam Higginbottom University Of Agriculture Technology and Sciences (SHUATS) Allahabad Uttar Pradesh, India.

ü  Dr K.L.Kumawat (Scientist) receivedYoung Scientist Award 2018 in the year 2018 on occasion of international conference on Emerging trends in Agricultural, Environment and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development (EIAEASSD-2018) during Nov 27-29, 2018 held at Sam Higginbottom University Of Agriculture Technology and Sciences (SHUATS) Allahabad Uttar Pradesh, India

ü  Dr Nazeer Ahmad, Vice Chancellor, Sher-e- Kashmir university of agricultural science and Technology, Shalimar, Srinagar  2016.

ü  Dr O C Sharma (Principal Scientist)Received Bharat Jyoti Award 2017 by IIFS, New Delhi on 20th Dec, 2017 during seminar on National Growth and National Integration.

ü  Dr O C Sharma, Sr. Scientist received Outstanding Scientist Award 2016 by International Journal of Tropical Agriculture on 31st Dec, 2016 during IJTA 4THInternational Conference on Recent Advancesin Agriculture and Horticulture Science heldat Jodhpur during 30 to 31st Dec, 2016.

ü  Dr Selvakumar R ( Scientist)Received “Best PhD Thesis Award in Vegetable Science” during National Conference onInnovative Technological Interventionsfor Doubling Farmers Income” organizedby Society for Integrated Developmentof Agriculture, Veterinary and  cologicalScience (SIDAVES) from February 8 -10, 2018at SKUAST-Jammu.

ü  Dr Selvakumar R ( Scientist)Received “Gold Medal – Dwarika Nath Memorial Award-2017” for Best PhD Thesis during the National Conference on Food andNutritional Security through Vegetable Crops in relation to Climate Change (NCVEG-17) organized by ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research and Indian Society ofVegetable Science from December 9-11 at Varanasi.

ü  Dr Selvakumar R (Scientist)  Received “Young Researcher Award” during International Conference on Advances in Agriculture and Crop Science organized by Clyto Access at Hyatt Regency, Gurgaon on October 9, 2017.

ü  Dr Selvakumar R (Scientist)  Received “Young Scientist Award” during ‘International Conference on Agriculture, Horticulture and Plant Science organized by Indian Society of Tropical Agriculture at Anandam Resort, Rishikesh, Uttarkhand on June 24-25, 2017

ü  Dr Selvakumar R (Scientist)  Received “Young Scientist Award” during National Seminar on Farmer Centric Cinema at ICAR-IISR on October 14-16, 2017 at Lucknow.

ü  Dr Selvakumar R (Scientist) Received prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru Award for outstanding Ph D thesis in Horticultural sciences on 16th July 2018.

ü  Dr Selvakumar R (Scientist) ReceivedExcellence and Innovation Research Award in Horticultural Sciencesduring National Education Summit-2017,Madurai on December 10th, 2017.

ü  Dr Selvakumar R (Scientist) ReceivedOfficial Spotlight CertificateAward during 6th Academic Brillance Award,28th January 2018 at Noida.

ü  Dr Selvakumar R (Scientist)Received “Best Poster Award” during National Conference on Food and Nutritional Security through Vegetable Crops in relation to Climate Change (NCVEG-17) organized atICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Researchand Indian Society of Vegetable Science from December 9-11 at Varanasi.

ü  Dr Selvakumar R. received “Best Young Scientist Award” for the Ph.D thesisentitled “Genetic studies on economic traitsand molecular mapping for anthocyanin content in carrot (Daucus carota L.)” by PearFoundation-A foundation for Educational Excellence during ‘National Conference on Smart Summit-2016 (Science, Medicine, Agriculture, Research and Technology) on 10th December at Madurai.

ü  Dr Selvakumar R.receivedBest Poster Award for ‘Genetic analysis of nutritional traits intropical carrot (Daucus carota L.)’ during 7thIndian Horticulture Congress held at ICAR IndianAgricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, from 15-18th November 2016.

ü  Dr Shiv Lal (Scientist, Sr Scale) Received Dr B.R. Barware Young Researcher Award in Horticultural Biotechnology -2017 conferred by Horticulture Society of India, Cash prize 12500/- certificate, medal and citation was presented during the function held at New Delhi.

ü  Dr Shiv Lal (Scientist, Sr Scale) Received Kanwar Virender Singh Memorial All India Best Publication Awards in FruitScience 2017 by Society for Advancement of Human and Nature, Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry Nauni, Solan 173 230 Himachal Pradesh, India. Rs.1000 cash prize, citation and certificate.

ü  Dr Shiv Lal (Scientist, Sr Scale) Received Young Scientist Award-2017 by The Society of Tropical Agriculture, New Delhi (India).

ü  Dr Shiv Lal (Scientist, Sr Scale)received the best poster award entitled characterization of strawberry genotypes for flowering, fruiting and fruit physico chemical attributes under temperate conditions.

ü  Dr Shiv Lal (Scientist, Sr Scale)receivedBest oral presentation award for paper presented on “Olive cultivation under horticulture farming system during seminar entitled “Emerging trends in Hi tech Hill Horticulture under changing climate” held from March 6-7, 2018 at ICAR-CITH RSMukteshwar (Uttarakhand).

ü  Dr Shiv Lal receivedIARI merit medal (Gold medal) receivedfor outstanding academic performancein Doctor of Philosophy programme. Theaward is conferred during 55th convocation ofthe IARI, New Delhi held on 9th Feb., 2017.

ü  Dr Wasim Hassan Raja (Scientist) act as Co-Chairman in the international conference on Emerging trends in Agricultural, Environment and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development (EIAEASSD-2018) during Nov 27-29, 2018 held at Sam Higginbottom University Of Agriculture Technology and Sciences (SHUATS) Allahabad Uttar Pradesh, India.

ü  Dr Wasim Hassan Raja (Scientist) receivedYoung Scientist Award 2018 in the year 2018 on occasion of international conference on Emerging trends in Agricultural, Environment and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development (EIAEASSD-2018) during Nov 27-29, 2018 held at Sam Higginbottom University Of Agriculture Technology and Sciences (SHUATS) Allahabad Uttar Pradesh, India

ü  Dr Wasim Hassan Raja (scientist), acts as State level member for the establishment of centre of Excellence at Zawoora Srinagar and Udywalla Jammu during the 2017-18 and 2018-19.

ü  Dr. Anil Kumar (Scientist, Plant Pathology) awarded with Honorary Life MembershipCertificate by Asian PGPR Society of Sustainable Agriculture USA EIN: 47- 4803807 Alabama, USA: 1309/490 in the month of April, 2016 in recognition and sincere appreciation of outstanding loyalty and dedication to this society. This honour recognizes the commitment demonstrated towards the programs, activities and vision of the Asian PGPR Society of Sustainable Agriculture

ü  Dr. Anil Kumar (Scientist, Plant Pathology)received Bharat Gaurav Award fromInternational Business Council (IBC), New Delhi during Seminar on “Socio-EconomicDevelopment” held on 25th July, 2016 at NewDelhi for outstanding achievements in the field of Plant Pathology.

ü  DrWasim Hassan Raja (Scientist)receivedYoung Scientist Award-2018 from Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology during International conference GRISAAS-2018 at Rajasthan Agriculture Research Institute, Jaipur from 28-30 October 2018.

ü  Mr Sajad Un Nabi (Scientist) Received best poster award during National Seminar on Saffron Production and Promotion at SKUAST-K on August, 8, 2017

ü  Mr Sajad Un Nabi (Scientist) Received Young Scientist Award-2017 inAgriculture from Society of Photochemistry and Pharmacognosy for the year 2017.

ü  Mr Sajad Un Nabi (Scientist) receivedYoung Achiever Award-2018 from Agricultural Technology Development Society in 2nd International conference ‘Advances in Agricultural, Biological and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Future (ABAS-2018)’ scheduled to be held on October 20-22, 2018 at Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India.

ü  Mr. Sajad Un Nabi (Scientist) receivedBest poster Award for paper entitled as, “Enrichment of vermicompost by bioagent Trichoderma harzianum for management of soil borne diseases in Kashmir valley” during International conference GRISAAS-2018 at Rajasthan Agriculture Research Institute, Jaipur from 28-30 October 2018

ü  Mr. Sajad Un Nabi (Scientist) receivedDM.J.Narshiman medal from Indian Phytopathological Society for best paper published in Indian Phytopathology vide letter No.IPS/Sec/2018/0092 at Annual Meeting and National Symposium of the Society at Varanasi U.P 26-28th February 2019.

ü  Mr. Sajad Un Nabi (Scientist) receivedYoung Scientist Award-2018 from Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology during International conference GRISAAS-2018 at Rajasthan Agriculture Research Institute, Jaipur from 28-30 October 2018.

ü  Mr. Sovan Devnath, Scientist (Soil Science) received ‘Young Scientist Award’ for the oral presentation on ‘Short-term changes in labile pools of organic carbon, microbial biomass and enzyme activities in soil under an organically managed peach (Prunuspersica L.) orchard’ in 11th Uttarakhand StateScience and Technology Congress, organized by Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology during 2-4th March, 2017 held at Dehradun.


ü  Mr.Sajad Un Nabi (Scientist) receivedExcellence in Plant Pathology Award in the year 2018 by International Association of Research and Development Organization (IARDO) at International center Panjim Goa on 28th of October 2018 (In absentia).