There is a lot of scope for increasing area, production and productivity of quality produce of temperate horticultural crops in different region of country having temperate climatic conditions. A lot of research work has been carried out on temperate horticultural crops for generation of farmer friendly technologies which will boost farm production and ultimately uplift socioeconomic status of farmers. These technologies need to be popularized among the stakeholders through various extension agencies because the adoption of latest technologies by farmers is still not up to mark. The temperate regions of country like J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and parts of North-Eastern states like Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim etc. are hub of temperate fruit cultivation. The major challenges in horticulture sector include sustainability, higher levels of production, competitiveness to stay in market, regular production, land, water and more importantly threat of climate change. The Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture, Srinagar and its regional stations are putting continuous efforts to make the farmers/ officers of line departments aware of various new technologies generated in temperate horticultural crops for improving productivity of quality produce. The Institute has tried to disseminate various technologies by organizing number of programs for human resource development. For the quick adoption of technologies, ICAR-CITH is continuously organizing vocational trainings, model training courses, crop days, on campus and off campus trainings as well as demonstrations, kisan ghoshtis, farm visits, diagnostic visits, supply of quality planting material, publication in local languages, participation in farmer fairs, radio talk, TV shows and display of exhibits on various occasions/ farmers fair etc.
Annually organize more than 50 training programmes, >100 farmer visits, > 100 student visits, 10-15 diagnostic visits, supply more than 50, 000 grafted and budded plants etc for the benefit of stakeholders.