/ Research /
Establishment of field gene bank and management of genetic resources and scientific data base of temperate horticultural crops.
Genetic improvement of temperate horticultural crops for yield, maturity, quality, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses through conventional breeding methods and biotechnological tools.
Standardization of nursery management and high tech propagation techniques of temperate horticultural crops.
To device efficient and cost effective production technologies and cropping systems for increasing productivity and improving quality of temperate horticultural crops.
To develop eco-friendly integrated diseases/pest management modules and diagnostics.
Post-harvest value addition, product diversification and waste utilization for increasing availability and returns.
To work out economics of production and impact assessment of technologies.
Commercialization and transfer of technologies and skilled manpower development.
Research Goals:
To make temperate horticultural R&D more vibrant using power of science and human resources to solve national and crop specific problems and issues through challenge and flagship programmes and platforms.
To contribute towards nutritional and economic security through increased productivity, quality, employment and farm returns.
To bring sustainable development through conservation and efficient utilization of natural resources by improving water use efficiency and productivity, building soil fertility and micro flora, increasing input use efficiency etc
To act as national repository of genetic resources and scientific information on temperate horticultural crops through enrichment of germplasm, their maintenance, characterization, evaluation, documentation, conservation and commercial utilization and development of crop wise scientific information data base and its utilization in planning and promotional activities.
To undertake basic, strategic and applied research for increasing productivity and quality of temperate horticultural crops through genetic improvement in yield, quality and resilience to biotic and abiotic stresses and by development of eco-friendly and cost effective production and protection technologies through input use efficiency like water, nutrients, pesticides etc
To study climate change impact and develop resilient varieties and technologies for mitigating and makes full use of climate change effects.
Expansion of temperate horticultural activities to non-traditional areas for increasing production and availability leading to higher income and health care at regional level.
To promote urban and semi urban horticulture and protected and eco-friendly farming for round the year availability of quality vegetables and flowers and better environmental services.
To increase overall production of quality horticultural produce for greater availability of fresh and processed products, encourage establishment of seed and processing industries and nurseries for better employment, nutrition, health care and exports.
To train human resources in frontier areas and improve collaborations for greater innovations for betterment of mankind and environment.
To establish centre of excellences and new centres in temperate region to provide quality research and skill upgradation to bring regional balance, efficiency and prosperity by harnessing natural and human resources.
Technology development for pre and post-harvest management, value addition and product diversification for self-employment, especially for women and weaker sections of the society.
To establish linkages and collaboration with national and international organizations for conduct of advance research, genetic resources sharing and HRD.
To serve as centre of training for promotion of HRD and effective transfer of technologies.
To register, patent and commercialize viable technologies for higher remuneration and employability.