भा. कृ. अनु. प.- केन्द्रीय शीतोष्ण बागवानी संस्थान

ICAR- Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture

Earlier Directors/Heads

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Earlier Directors/Heads


Earlier Directors



Name of the Director




Contact Details





Dr. Abdul Ahad Sofi



12.10.1994 to 31.12.2007



Email: draasoficith@rediffmail.com

Mobile: 9419005798

Description: C:\Users\shahida rafiq\Downloads\E.JPG



Prof.(Dr.) Nazeer Ahmed



01.12.2007 to 21.10.2015



Email: dnak59@rediffmail.com

Mobile: 9419011774

Description: C:\Users\shahida rafiq\Downloads\A (2).JPG



Dr. Desh Beer Singh



21.10.2015 to 06.04.2021



Email: deshbsingh@yahoo.co.in

Mobile: 9419061669

Description: C:\Users\shahida rafiq\Downloads\C.JPG



Dr. Om Chand Sharma



06.05.2021 to 26.01.2023



Email: om.sharma@icar.gov.in

Mobile: 9419243119




Description: C:\Users\shahida rafiq\Desktop\Dr._Om_Chan_Sharma.jpg