भा. कृ. अनु. प.- केन्द्रीय शीतोष्ण बागवानी संस्थान

ICAR- Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture

Thrust Area

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Thrust Area


  • Restructuring and strengthening of CITH with need based infrastructure and manpower for conducting priority research for ensuring nutritional and economic security.
  • Biodiversity and genetic resource management
  • Genetic improvement of temperate horticultural crops for higher productivity and quality
  • Development and evaluation of rootstocks for different situations
  • Molecular characterization, molecular diagnosis, association mapping and marker assisted breeding in temperate horticultural crops.
  • Development of efficient system for higher water productivity and nutrient use efficiency
  • Conservation horticulture and development eco-friendly region specific horticulture based cropping systems for sustainable production of high quality safe produce and higher farm income
  • Development of hi-tech propagation techniques in temperate horticultural crops for large scale production of nucleus quality planting material
  • Hybrid seed and seedling production technology for high value vegetable and ornamental crops for protected environment and promotion of hybrid technology.
  • Development of intensive production technologies for higher vertical productivity
  • Organic horticulture for production of residue free fruits and vegetables
  • Protected cultivation and urban and peri-urban horticulture for higher productivity
  • Plant health management of temperate horticultural crops.
  • Secondary agriculture and technology development for pre- and post-harvest management and product diversification in temperate horticultural crops.
  • Climate resilient horticulture-impact assessment and mitigation strategies
  • Commercialization and Transfer of Technologies

 Programmes for NEH (Regional Station, Dirang)

  Strengthening of Regional Station of CITH at Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh

  • The North Eastern Himalayan states of Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Manipur and other surrounding areas have temperate climate covering approximately an area of about more than 6.00 lakh hectares, of which more than 2.00 lakh hectares has tremendous potential for cultivation of temperate fruits. Inspite of its potential only an area of about 20,000 ha has been brought under cultivation with local traditional practices where productivity has remained very low due to lack of scientific/technological interventions and inadequate quality planting material. To exploit this potential area especially under climate change scenario. Regional Station would provide R&D needs of NEH Region, innovative technologies and quality planting material for increased production and productivity of temperate horticulture crops and improved quality and availability locally, Skilled manpower development, Increased income and employability. Thus in future CITH-RS Dirang will be strengthened by employed man power and development of facilities for research and development in addition to development of mother block for elite varieties of important temperate horticultural crops.

 Development of linkages with state development departments of North Eastern states

  • Linkages will be developed with line departments of North Eastern states for collaboration in the  areas of human resource development, planting material production, survey and collection of germplasm, nursery raising, mother block establishment, technology/varietal demonstration etc

 Inter-Institutional collaborations

  • ICAR institutes, state universities or other institution working on temperate horticultural crops will be included in collaborative research programmes on quality planting material production, varietal testing / demonstration, technology development / validation / testing, mother block establishment etc