भा. कृ. अनु. प.- केन्द्रीय शीतोष्ण बागवानी संस्थान

ICAR- Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture

Seed And Planting Material

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Seed And Planting Material

The outcome of horticultural industry depends upon many factors and quality planting material is the key factor to boost the productivity as well as quality of produce and can increase income and socio economic status of farmers. The quality planting material coupled with production technologies like training, pruning, nutrient & water management, pollination, post harvesting handling, diseases and pest management etc. ultimately decides the benefit to farmer especially in temperate fruit crops. ICAR-CITH, Srinagar and its regional stations are continuously propagating planting material of elite varieties of temperate fruits, nuts, vegetables and ornamentals to supply quality planting material to farmers, line department and research organizations. The demand for quality planting material along with production technology is increasing year after year.  Every year institute has supplied more than 40, 000 plants of different temperate fruit crops in addition 10,000 to 15, 000 no’s of scion-wood sticks. In vegetables, 5-6 Quintals of seed is being produced in vegetable crops and supplied/ sold to different stakeholders and consumers like kitchen gardeners, vegetable growers, research organization etc. Virus indexing is being done to ensure the supply of virus free planting material. Emphasis is given for promotion of elite varieties of apple, walnut, almond, apricot, cherry etc.