भा. कृ. अनु. प.- केन्द्रीय शीतोष्ण बागवानी संस्थान

ICAR- Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture

Growers Perception Survey on Green Apple Aphids (Short Version)(26 Feb 2023):

Growers Perception Survey on the Incidence and Management of Green Apple Aphids in Apple Orchards of Kashmir (Shorter version) Dear Apple Growers We are interested in understanding your perception of green apple aphid problem in apple orchards of Kashmir through this survey, to help us improve our R&D efforts. We would appreciate if you could spare a few minutes of your precious time and provide us with your valuable feedback. Please click on the below link to take the survey. https://forms.gle/uJHCCTskAqDSZXoGA Here is a link to an instructional video on how to fill the survey form https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhlx1kcjImQ

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